KIWI, McDonald's/Oliver's/Hamilton's

A little bit about yourself growing up in Bermondsey
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Re: KIWI, McDonald's/Oliver's/Hamilton's

Postby kiwi » Fri Nov 03, 2017 11:32 pm

My Nan Kate Oliver bottom row second from left..jpg
My Nan Kate Oliver bottom row second from left, picture possible 1950s.
Kate Oliver.jpg

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Re: KIWI, McDonald's/Oliver's/Hamilton's

Postby Patricia » Fri Mar 16, 2018 7:19 pm

Hello Ray, do you remember the Fox family, Timmy Fox from Tower Bridge Road? He had a shop there. I have said before that I was born in No 52 or 56 Harold Estate. I remember playing on the bomb sites, climbing up the back to the top. I would never allow my grandchildren to do that now. My grandparents (Dowdeswell) are from Stanworth St.
I would love to hear from anyone that went to Alma Road school. in the late 50's.

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Re: KIWI, McDonald's/Oliver's/Hamilton's

Postby kiwi » Sat Mar 17, 2018 11:59 pm

Hi Patricia, yes, I do remember the Fox family. I know my mum & dad; Nan & family knew them quite well. They would all drink to-gather, mainly in the Pagoda but sometimes in the George in Tower Bridge Road. I knew Shirley Fox but just to say hello and that was about it. We did go down hopping on their lorry, though not the same farm. Some of the Fox family are now living in Australia.

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Re: KIWI, McDonald's/Oliver's/Hamilton's

Postby Patricia » Sun Mar 18, 2018 3:30 am

Ray, I was speaking with my aunt Ivy this morning, she is 90. She lives in Weald Kent. I sent her the photos of Kate Oliver and the ones from Hopping. She said that Kate Oliver was one of my Nanny Lou's mates. Nanny Lou (Old Lou) Dowdeswell used to say whilst down the TBR, 'I'm going to see old Kate. My aunt Ivy remembers going to see her when she was a little girl. She said she was lovely.
I am going to sent her the photos you put on Bermondsey Boy she will love those. I was asking where they kept their stalls and she thought Leroy St, anywhere that had a lock up.
By the way where in NZ do you live?

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Re: KIWI, McDonald's/Oliver's/Hamilton's

Postby Patricia » Sun Mar 18, 2018 3:32 am

Ray, I met Shirley a few times over the years when I lived in Kent. She lived with her partner for years Lenny. She was Maggie and Timmy Fox's only child.

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Re: KIWI, McDonald's/Oliver's/Hamilton's

Postby kiwi » Mon Mar 19, 2018 11:42 pm

Hi Patricia, that’s a surprise about your Nan Lou & my Nan Kate being mates. I wonder if Lou is in the beano picture above? As far as I can remember my Nan kept their stall in a yard, somewhere at the back of Central Hall down Decima Street. Stalls where kept in the yard in Leroy Street, next to the alley into Guinness Buildings. We are now living about forty minutes north of Wellington in a place called OHAU. If I remember rightly did you say you knew a man called Tony Cooper when you were living in Kent, if so I knew Tony, we both drove for Alan Firmins when I lived in Kent, it really is a small world.

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Re: KIWI, McDonald's/Oliver's/Hamilton's

Postby Patricia » Tue Mar 20, 2018 6:52 am

Hello Ray, just posted off the photos of your Nan to my aunt. I have looked at the photo. The only one who could be my Nanny Lou is the smallest face right in the center of the middle row. I wonder? Maybe my aunt will look with a magnifying glass. Yes Tony Cooper did work for Alan Firman in Kent.
My aunt Ivy was married to someone from Leroy Street, the Acotts. He was called Ken Acott and was close to Timmy Fox. Uncle Ken worked at the Borough Market for years.
I love NZ now. I know I hated it when I first came. It has been so good to me. I couldn't cope with those bitter winters we got as kids. Yes I remember the smogs, the smell, the colour and my parents making me wear a scarf over my mouth. It was almost greeny yellow in colour. Learnt to swim at Grange Road Baths, remember they used to cover the pool and it was used for wrestling. My dad worked for Bermondsey Borough council in Spa Road on the dust.
My aunt will be thrilled with the photos. Thanks Ray. Is your wife from Bermondsey?

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Re: KIWI, McDonald's/Oliver's/Hamilton's

Postby kiwi » Tue Apr 10, 2018 4:23 am

Hi Patricia, sorry I have taken so long to answer, been away, 50th Wedding Anniversary, it would be nice if your Nanny Lou was in the photo. The name Acott does ring a-bell and you can bet he knew my Uncle Stan, coming from Leroy Street and working at the Borough Market,where Stan collected his fruit & Veg for their stall in Tower Bridge Road. I’m not sure when your Nan Lou became friends with my Nan Kate but I have just found out my Nan lived in Marcia Road in 1901, which I think would have made her about 18 or 19, maybe it could have been in that area they met??
No my wife is from Forest Gate. I do try and wind her up, by saying that she is more an Essex girl than a Londoner, not that it works. We actually met in Southend when she was living there and I was on a day out with the lads (1959).
Nice to hear your Aunt will be thrilled with the photos & say hello to her from me. :D

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Re: KIWI, McDonald's/Oliver's/Hamilton's

Postby kiwi » Mon Mar 11, 2024 3:49 am

Guinness Blds, c1950. Sister Jan, Mum, Joyce sister-in-law, sister Sheila, me (Ray) in front.
Jan,Mum,Joyce,Sheila & Ray. Guinness Blds.1952..jpg

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