Lower Road Rotherhithe

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Re: Lower Road Rotherhithe

Postby kiwi » Fri Jan 29, 2021 7:32 am

Lower Road, The Jolly Sailor c1891, was situated at 91 Lower Road.  X.png
Lower Road, The Jolly Sailor c1891.
Lower Road, Jolly Sailor pub (site of) 91-93, Lower Road, Rotherhithe.  X.png
Jolly Sailor pub (site of) 91-93, Lower Road, Rotherhithe.

located just south of Neptune Street, approximately between the telephone box and the Belisha beacon. Building on the right is Wells House of the Howland Estate, 2020. Pub destroyed by a German VI rocket on Tuesday 14th. November 1944.
Lower Road, Jolly Sailor, was opposite St Olaves Hospital.   X..png
Lower Road, The Jolly Sailor, was opposite St Olaves Hospital.
Last edited by kiwi on Fri Jul 28, 2023 4:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lower Road Rotherhithe

Postby kiwi » Thu Mar 11, 2021 2:41 am

Lower Road, entrance to Surrey Commercial Docks. I think Rotherhithe Baths, corner with Gomm Road would be just back on the left. :?:
Lower Road, entrance to Surrey Commercial Docks. I think Rotherhithe Baths, corner with Gomm Road would be just back on the left.  X.png

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Re: Lower Road Rotherhithe

Postby kiwi » Fri Apr 16, 2021 1:20 am

I think the building on the corner was the Royal Oak pub until 1932 and in later years a London Electricity board showroom.
Not sure what the police are doing maybe an early speed trap? Cos that begs the question, how many police does it take to catch a speeding Vehicle. :?: ;)
1 Lower Road junction c1970, looking down Jamaica Road, behind Rotherhithe Tunnel.  X.png
Lower Road junction c1970, looking down Jamaica Road,
behind is Rotherhithe Tunnel.
1 Lower Road, same junction 2020, looking down Jamaica Road.   X.png
Lower Road, same junction 2020, looking down Jamaica Road.

ducati dad
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Re: Lower Road Rotherhithe

Postby ducati dad » Fri Apr 16, 2021 10:13 pm

fosney wrote:St Olave's Hospital - Lower Road
I am sure many of us remember St Olave's Hospital either as a visitor or patient. Built in 1870 it served the community for over 100 years.
Constructed on ground adjacent to the Workhouse, which had been established since 1729. In 1885 St Olave's was known as the Infirmary of St Olave's Union.
In 1920 it was known as Bermondsey and Rotherhithe Hospital and on 1st April 1930 the hospital was transferred to Bermondsey Board of Guardians under the administration of the London County Council and renamed St Olave's Hospital.
When the National Health Service came in it was taken over by the South East Metropolitan Hospital Board and in 1966 became part of Guys Hospital Training Group.
St Olave's Hospital started to be restricted to patients in 1970 and finally closed in 1984.
Today, all that remains is the left hand Entrance Lodge with a blue plaque celebrating the birth of one of South London's great actors, Sir Michael Caine in 1933. The rest has been replaced by a modern housing development.

I was rushed into there about 2am with acute appendicitis and operated on virtually immediately. This was 1958. I seem to remember in the 60's, they were reducing admissions but wanted to introduce a drug rehabilitation unit for London addicts. This caused some uproar and locals started to demonstrate including mothers who asked to get their babies and young children registered as addicts. They were told to go away as their children were obviously not addicts to which the mothers replied that by the time they were teens they probably would be. Outside the hospital was a zebra crossing and one of the local coppers quietly informed them that if they were standing still, they were causing an obstruction but, if they kept moving they were ok. So there was a continuous stream of parents and prams going back and forth on the crossing. As you can imagine it didn't take long for a colossal traffic jam to ensure. At one point Baroness Sarota , who was supposed to advising on this scheme, came down to see what all the fuss was about. Demonstrators started to rock her car so much it was in danger of turning over with her in it, at which point the police intervened. She made one of the most idiotic remarks I've ever heard when she said "I didn't realise the local people felt so strongly about the hospital". Needless to say, it was to no avail as the hospital finally went. Nothing appears to change even today, in that the views of the people tend to be largely ignored.

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Re: Lower Road Rotherhithe

Postby kiwi » Thu Jun 10, 2021 10:17 pm

Lower Road, The Prince Of Orange 1997.   X.png
Lower Road, The Prince Of Orange 1997.
Lower Road c1983.  X..jpg

Not too keen on Jazz myself but this must have been great for the pub as Kenny Davern was very well known around the world.
Lower Road, Prince of Orange Pub, 1984. Kenny Davern American jazz clarinettist.  X.png
Lower Road, Prince of Orange Pub, 1984. Kenny Davern American jazz clarinettist.
Last edited by kiwi on Fri Dec 29, 2023 11:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Lower Road Rotherhithe

Postby kiwi » Thu Aug 26, 2021 5:16 am

Lower Road, c1930, All Saints Church.  X..png
All Saints Church.

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Re: Lower Road Rotherhithe

Postby kiwi » Tue Nov 23, 2021 2:00 am

My best guess on this is Maynard Road, which is no longer there. :?:
Lower Road, Maynard Road, no longer there. Steamer in the Greenland Dock is in the background, c1930.  X..png
Surrey Docks. Street scene off Lower Road, Steamer in the
Greenland Dock, in the background, c1930.

This looks like the same road. :?: Building on the right could be the
Baptists Chapel built in 1857 in Maynard Road.
Maynard Road, off Lower Road.c1926. The Baptists Chapel built in 1857 on right.  X..png

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Re: Lower Road Rotherhithe

Postby kiwi » Mon Feb 07, 2022 4:16 am

2 Surrey Quays Road, off Lower Road.  X..png
Surrey Quays Road, off Lower Road.
2 Surrey Quays Road, c2020, same location.  X,.jpg
Surrey Quays Road, c2020, same location.

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Re: Lower Road Rotherhithe

Postby kiwi » Thu Mar 03, 2022 4:14 am

Lower Road, Warrior Pub on the right. c1963.  X..png
Lower Road, Warrior Pub on the right. c1963.

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Re: Lower Road Rotherhithe

Postby kiwi » Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:27 am

3 Lower Road, Rotherhithe Free Church, c1905.  X..png
Lower Road, Rotherhithe Free Church, c1905.
This could be a different location to the other pictures.??
3 Lower Road, Rotherhithe Evangelical Free Church, Lower Road, c1961.   X..png
Lower Road, Rotherhithe Free Church, c1961.

3 Lower Road, Rotherhithe Free Church, c1961.  X..png
Lower Road, Rotherhithe Free Church, c1961.
3 Lower Road, Rotherhithe Evangelical Free Church, 2021.  X..png
Lower Road, Rotherhithe Evangelical Free Church, 2021.

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