Who remembers the old Trams and RouteMasters
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Postby kiwi » Fri Feb 23, 2018 2:49 am

. Hatcher Bros was a haulage firm based next door at No 9 Tanner Street.
Thomas Hatcher sitting just outside the entrance to Tanner House c 1960.
Hatchers Transport..jpg
Hatchers Transport,only picture I have found of a Hatchers Lorry,

Post by tedyboy
Hatcher's were an old established haulage company. I think they were based in Tanner Street. When I was very young (late 1940's) I remember seeing their hoses being exercised on the bombsites around Whites Grounds here my grandparents lived. The horses would be released a few yards from the open ground and would run toward it creating sparks with their shoes on the cobbled street adjacent to The Yorkshire Grey pub. Another fond memory was that, as lorries began to replace horse drawn transport, the lorry drivers would help the horses up the long climb onto Tower Bridge by settling their bull bar against the wagon's tailboard and sharing the weight. Hatcher's were still operating at least into the sixties plying their trade in the London docks.

Post by gabbler1955
Hatcher's yard had an entrance in both Whites Grounds and Tanner Street. I lived in Whites Grounds Estate and you could see through to Tanner Street. I often saw the horse-drawn "flat bed" trucks going in and out as a boy. They had stables just past the entrance to the park on the left in Bermondsey Street (past the row of shops with Dobsons bakers on the corner of Tanner St / Bermondsey St) going towards Long Lane. I think that they had stables just past Nicki Nastri's in Morocco Street / Leathermarket St as well.

Post by Trevboy 2011.
I remember Hatchers did they start out in bermondsey street in a small yard, I recall stories from my mum about Tommy Hatcher he bought out my grandads business carting coal by horse and cart. the story goes that my grandad would not believe that if you like the horseless carraige would not take over the old horse and cart so he sold up. I also believe that Hatchers later became part of the Hays Wharf set up. Please can you throw any light on this I believe my grandads name was Jim Smith.

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Postby kiwi » Thu Mar 08, 2018 1:50 am

Not eggsactly :roll: Bermondsey but it is HATCHERS.
A horse and cart carry crates of eggs, imported from America as part of the Lend-Lease deal. 1941.jpg
A horse and cart carry crates of eggs, imported from America as part the Lend-Lease deal. 1941

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Postby DavidHatcher » Tue Mar 20, 2018 8:26 pm

The Hatcher business was started by my ancestor, Thomas Hatcher in the 1800's. It passed down through the family to my father and uncle who ran the business until they sold up on retirement in about 1980.

It traded from its main office and depot in Tanner Street with additional lorry parking on a bomb site in Whites Grounds, a stables (later converted to warehousing) in Long Lane and a further yard, stables and loft in Bermondsey Street.

The photo above is not Thomas Hatcher who was long dead at the time.

I have attached several photos of the horse vans and lorries.
Hatchers new livery.JPG
Modern livery
Hatcher Bros lorry.JPG
Outside the Tanner Street depot
Hatchers Long Lane warehouse.JPG
Long Lane warehouse
Hatchers. Regent's Park.JPG
Regents Park Show
T Hatcher lorry.JPG
I think this was probably the firm's first motor vehicle
On TBR.jpg
On Tower Bridge
Hatcher WW2 explanation.JPG
Hatcher horses.jpg
Hatcher horses 2.jpg

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Postby kiwi » Tue Mar 20, 2018 10:06 pm

Hi David, welcome to the site. Thank you for the information and pictures, they are really great and for myself and many others on site, they will bring back a lot of memories. I can still remember hanging on the back of the horse and carts and being shouted at. ;)

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Postby Bricklewood » Mon Sep 02, 2019 7:26 pm

I have an oil painting off 2 grey shires pulling the Hatchers red cart. I found this thread while researching the name. I see David Hatcher you are a relative. My relatives were tanners in Bermondsey and could have probably used the transport for their goods
Alfred Lafone (13 February 1821 – 26 April 1911) of Hanworth Park, Feltham, Middlesex, was a British leather merchant and Conservative Party politician in London. He was the Member of Parliament (MP) for Bermondsey from 1886 to 1892, and from 1895 to 1900.

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Postby Vreagh » Thu Sep 05, 2019 8:54 pm

In the sixties I drove for Brooks & Walker. We had several ex Hatchers drivers from the horses. They said one of the reasons the horses were kept so long ,was to ease the obtaining of B licences which were difficult to obtain at that time. Hatchers would claim a new B licence because they were losing a pair of horses but there was no official check on the number of horses in use or if any were actually removed.

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Postby kiwi » Sat Jan 22, 2022 10:05 pm

Hatchers, King george v dock, c1942.  1  X..png
Hatchers, King george V dock, c1942.

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